Sound in Health

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Review of Sound Therapy Sessions with Bhanu/Bryan White:

I have had three treatment sessions with Bhanu, each quite individual yet all very effective on different levels. Bhanu approaches the world of Sound Therapy in a very professional manner. I was asked to complete a detailed questionnaire regarding my general health before the verbal consultation, where Bhanu allowed me plenty of time and space to express myself and my concerns, supporting this process with gently probing, yet non-judgemental questions. At each session I was asked to assess my physical, emotional and spiritual status, which allowed us to objectively document my progress. During the session Bhanu maintained a solid neutral position as the therapist throughout, providing a stable rock with whom I had the trust and confidence to let go. I felt relaxed and at ease at all times during the therapy sessions. Bhanu works with a wide variety of sound therapy techniques. I experienced the Tuning Fork Therapy, the Spiritual Healing and Reiki, a Sound and Gongbath as well as being given a Mantra and instruction in the use of a Mala. Bhanu combines the Sound Therapies beautifully with Colour and Crystal Therapy and where required also with the physical movements of Yoga. Any physical contact during the therapy session was gentle, but clear. Having at first expected a relaxing wellness session, I was very pleasantly surprised to experience the depth at the physical, mental and spiritual levels of the different forms of Sound Therapy that Bhanu practices. Bhanu allowed me time after the therapy and supported me in processing the experiences that I had had. It is maybe to be recommended that one takes a time of rest after the therapy, as I experienced an extremely deep state of physical and mental relaxation. I can thoroughly recommend Bhanu as a  Sound Therapist and Yoga teacher. He clearly has a deep love of sound and movement which transposes through his hands as a therapist, allowing us to trust and let go, bathing in the sounds and experiences that come, in order that we can begin to find our right way through the physical, mental and spiritual levels, back to our inner core.

Dr. Anna Hayes, Ph.D.

Ortho-Bionomy® Practitioner

Dr. Anna Hayes PhD

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